Mob: 07401 331482 or 07894 670237 

Loft conversion and two storey side extension on 53 City Way, Rochester, Kent 

This project consisted of a two storey side extension and loft conversion but it had previously had a single storey extension and a conservatory. 
The brief was to construct a two sided extension to still allow access under and this wouldbe gated as well as a master suit with shower room above. During the project a loft was requested and this was applied for separately. Normally you cannot build to the boundary at first floor, but due to good relations with Medway Council and a few mnor ammendments the proposed approved scheme was approval first time. 
The contractor took on this contract and dealt with it remarkedly well. The client was making changes on a daily basis but dur to their professional approach to Client / Builder / Architect relationships everything was managed smoothly and went very well. 
Estimated budget = £100,000 
Expected Budget = £95,000 + extras and changed or £12.000 
Contractor was AAF - Hightly recommended. 
Click on the images below to see the full size pictures. 
Before image of the three bedroom house by DKM Consultants
Roof completed and render standed now windows are in by DKM Consultants
2 storey extension with new attic trusses being installed by DKM Consultants
Attic trusses up and 2nd floor loft conversion underway by DKM Consultants
large lounge 6.5x7m opened up using large structural steels by DKM Consultants
front partially extended with additiona front gable and attic trusses installed by DKM Consultants
Kitchen as viewed from contractors details for 2 storey side and loft conversion by DKM Consultants
Designed and created by it'seeze