Extensions in Kent
Extensions in Kent
Extensions are the best way to increase value to your home and give you the additional space you require. From social space including a down stairs Office, cinema room or a much needed separate dining room, to additional bedrooms for a growing family.
Every house must be individually appraised to advise you on what would be allowed through planning. Every plot if different and the relationships to neighbouring homes will differ, so just because your neighbour has an extension you may not always be able to match.
Planning is developing constantly, with planning policies and allowances changing all the time. DKM Consultants will be able to tell you what would get though the planning system easily, what could be trouble and what blatantly wouldnt be allowed. Openings in walls and overlooking would be discussed alongside rights of light and what would be considered over development.
If bedrooms are added through a two storey extension, allowances for additional parking are required. This often forms the need to create as part of your planning application the additional spaces to the front of your home with a drive way conversion.
Two storey construction is more cost effective per Metre than a single storey. For examples of extensions please see under PROJECTS.
For Further information on Limitations of Planning and what type of planning would be required for your extension please see the link below.
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Large two storey extension in Gravesend to be completed in May 2014. 120% increase in floor area.
Large two storey extension in Gravesend to be completed in May 2014. 120% increase in floor area.

This large development in Gravesend involves a 6.7m double storey extension with a single storey on the rear of that. It involved removing the whole roof and replacing it with specialist trusses (DOVER TRUSS COMPANY) which allowed for large games room and study and shower room in the attic. This was the 6th home in the same street that DKM Consultants completed in 5 years each with a value of build 150k plus. (see PROJECTS folder for more pictures)