Planning Applications in Gillingham
Planning Applications in Gillingham
DKM Architectural services understands that every application submitted to a County Council is important to both the people who make it and anyone it may affect.
How your Local County Council take account of your views towards the Planning application you are submitting.
Decisions on submitted applications will often be made by a planning officer.
The County Council Planning case officer who deals with the application will take your views into account and make a recommendation to a principal planning officer who will then review all the information available and make the final decision in regards to your submitted planning application.
Alternatively, some applications will be referred to the County Council Planning Committee, and they will decide the outcome of some applications.
This will happen if the application is contentious (likely to cause an argument) or if parish or local Councillors personally ask the committee to make the decision.
The Planning Committee is always made up of elected council members.
The committee will receive a report that explains the application, gives a complete summary of the views the council have received and any policies that may apply.
In this report it will normally be necessary to summarise your comments, however, the committee will be aware of them.