Other Applications
Other Applications
Other Projects which are under taken include the following under FULL PLANNING:-
Title Plans for division of title / land
If a shop and flat are being sold off separately or leased, then a total plan to the Land Registry requirements is needed. Once planning and construction of a block of apartments in completed, they will need to be split off on separate title plans.
HMOs - Houses of Multiply Occupancy
A house into MHO status does not require planning if it is converted with only 4 bedrooms. Building Regulation still apply, however , planning is only required for 5 or more bedrooms.
Creation of maisonettes from a single dwelling
If the building is initially large enough then it can be split into flats, however creating a new address at this point means that the minimum floor area requirements for flats for that Council must then be achieved and a small two storey extension often complements the application
Change of Use / Commercial.
Planning is required if the classification of a commercial building is changed. This also includes properties changing from Commercial back to residential ( this application is currently free to submitted with currently planning restrictions dropped until May 2016)
Shop Front Changes / Commercial.
Any Alteration to a shops exterior will require full planning
Enforcement Cases.
This is where alterations have been carried out to domestic and commercial properties before applying for the changes beforehand. In these cases they normally start with a letter from your local planning office enforcement department stating that an application must be submitted within 4 weeks or be subjected to a fine.
Once an application is submitted after a meeting with the council the clock is stopped and the traditional wait for planning is started. There are however other documents that may be needed on this type of application;-
- Light Survey
- Design and Access Statement
- Planning Statement.
Shop Front Change in Chatham
Shop Front Change in Chatham

Shop front opened up in Chatham Highstreet. Application also involved structural alterations inside and rear additions.
Other recent applications include Gillingham Town centre (food shop) and Gravesend Town centre (nightclub entrance and rear)