New Builds in Kent
New Builds in Kent
DKM Consultants will be able to assist you on the planning requirements for new builds.
New Build Planning is the hardest to achieve since there is almost certainly going to be opposition with the adjoining neighbours. This is due to plots being left the way they are for long periods and therefore have been gotten used to.
New build applications are firstly appraised internally and then presented to the council under a PRE-APPLICATION to determine validity, failure to do this can result in an instant refusal early since planners like to be involved from day one.
So new Build planning takes a little longer than the 8 weeks of traditional planning and 16 weeks should always be allowed for.
New builds in Conversion areas are harder still with Material specification and building methods being approved before the actual planning is approved.
New builds have been approved all over Medway like the example opposite, however is getting more common to demolish an out dated house on a larger plot and applying for either a larger Dream home or two smaller properties where the development potental is Great.
DKM Consultants can also assist you if you have a property that is commercial and it has land that could be developed into house under a change of use.
It is important to know that when you demolish the whole house, your building control requirements increase as the building is entirely new.
New build 2 bedroom house in Gillingham
New build 2 bedroom house in Gillingham

A two bedroom house in Gillingham. This house was possible since two properties sold off their garden allowing for an additional plot. Due to over seeing rights, there was no windows allowed in the roof or at first floor other than front and rear (with rear being frosted only). Another restriction was that the house have its own off road parking requirements.