Mob: 07401 331482 or 07894 670237 

Types of Application  

Both types of application can be done by DKM Consultants, with building control being issued directly the drawings, specification and calculations, however, payment is normally done directly from the client to Building Control as the fees are normally more than the works carried out by DKM Consultants. These fees will be shown to you, so you are aware of them before work on the application starts. 
The two main types used are as follows :- 
Building Notice 
This application can used when the work is under £50,000 and when the works do not involve alterations or Building over a public sewer. 
These works must be paid all up front and works cannot start until 48 hours after payment is taken. 
The most common use for this type of application is a small extension where you are using a builder to do all the works and his details must be submitted on the form. The most comon use of this type is for removal of a load bearing wall and introduction of a steel beam where the works only involve a single visit. 
Full Plans Application 
These require the exact same level of detail, however, normally take longer to get full approval of the scheme. The time to get the calculations checked, the water boards consent to build over / adjacent and to review the specification takes between 6 and 8 weeks. This type of application is therefore used in the more complicated applications such as two storey builds or large single storey builds where you share a party wall or moving manhole covers. 
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