At DKM Consultants our planning appraisal service can be tailored directly to your requirements, an appraisal can reduce time in the submission of planning applications by asking the County Council just what they would class as acceptable.The purpose of an appraisal is to bring to the table any reservations from the planning department before full working drawings are drawn up saving the client money.
At DKM Consultants we take a thorough approach to any appraisal that we submit to the County Council, this process can identify work that could be undertaken without the need for any planning permission.
DKM Consultants can also review planning history and aquiring information form Land Registry of a site which may uncover valuable information that can add to our strategy.
DKM Consultants have significant experience of planning applications, along with having the resources of one of the best town planners in the South East of England, who specifically deals with planning appeals, meaning that at DKM Consultants we can give well informed advice on all levels of your development proposal.
Many councils will do a home owners appraisal free of charge, however some councils such as Medway and Swale do charge £130.00 to have an hours chat with you or your Agent and £180.00 to chat with a senior planner. Other councils may differ.
Having an appraisal on your full planning application will look favourably on you when you submit. There is a box you can tick and an area to fill to say who and when the appriasal was done with. This is especially true on larger extensions of over 50% of the existing footprint, or if it involves raising the ridge height of a building.